I have more questions than answers in this article. I don’t know where to find the answers.
GENESIS: 2: 16-17
"And the Lord God commanded the man saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, ‘But’ of the tree of "Knowledge of good and evil" thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shat surely die."
If I hate with a passion, any one thing in life, I hate "Free Choice" or will, as some of my fellow Christian writers might call it.
I wish it never existed, and I darn sure wish I never received it and had to choose. I’d be so happy if I never had to make a choice in life, simply obey My God, My Creator, My Father.
My Father Almighty God, has asked me to share his teachings, His knowledge, His Truth, to any and all who will listen. This is a job given me by God and I do it happily and willingly.
There is so very much, God has yet to share His knowledge with me about. I know this.
I too have questions needing answers, and I await the answers from My God.
What is it in man, that is obviously an intrenched part of man’s makeup, that causes man to become deliberately disrespectful and disobedient to Our Father, Our Creator, Almighty God?
Why do we even have to choose? We are created as beings with intelligence, created in the likeness of our Creator, should we not automatically recognize this and out of respect for our creator act as our creator would act?
Why is it that our love, our respect, our worship, our obedience, is something we must choose to give to Our Creator? Why don’t we give these automatically?
Don’t we owe it to God simply out of respect for Him creating us and giving us life?
This is not going to be one of my more coherent scriptural writings wherby I take some piece of scripture chosen by God’s Holy Spirit and we discuss teachings through the scripture.
This is one topic where I am still seeking the answers to questions myself, for as yet God has not revealed the truth in this matter, at least not to me.
This is a question that has filled my thoughts many many times over my 52 years of being a "Christian" seeking God and seeking to know God as intimately as God will permit.
WHY, dear Father, did you feel it necessary to create a perfect man and woman, place them in a perfect environment, neither too hot, nor too cold?
WHY, provide them with every animal of your creation, in the air, in the waters, on the land, every vegetable, every fruit, every grain, every grass, every flower, instructing them to take dominion over it all, and name each one?
Why, for whatever the reason, place in the middle of the garden, two special trees, one of eternal life, the other of knowledge of good and evil, and forbid Adam to eat of the one, the tree of knowledge?
Why was it necessary to forbid them this one tree? Being God, you knew, you knew already that they would be tempted, you knew of satan’s ability to twist the truth, his ability to deceive, and, you had to know? that man would fail such a test? So the question remains.
Why tempt your perfect creation man?
We assume that you and Adam walked upon the earth in Eden together often face to face.
We assume this because we believe it to be necessary for Adam to be able to put a face a personage to the one who placed him on earth and instructed him to do what he was to do.
Assuming, knowing this, we can believe that Adam did not think you to be some disembodied voice out of nowhere filling his mind with thoughts and ideas, Adam could actually see You and talk with You, and You with him.
We can also assume, that when you and Adam talked, or when you spoke what was on your mind with Adam, that Adam had knowledge, though possibly rudimentary knowledge so that he was able to understand what You were saying to him or asking from him.
We can assume and believe this to be true, otherwise you could not declare Adam’s downfall a sin. Adam had to know and understand all that you conveyed to him.
Being God, you are all everything. You have all the answers.
Especially you are all knowing, knowing past, present, and future. WHY test and tempt man with a test, this temptation you already knew the outcome to, and, you knew was doomed to failure?
Obedience and disobedience to Almighty God and to Jesus: This is one option of life that I believe every human could do without. Yet, God our creator and our Father, felt it necessary.
In my way of being able to rationalize and understand this topic of though and discussion, to make any sense out of it at all, I have to think that somehow in some manner, satan was able to get God, to test man’s obedience and love for God. I also have to know and believe that in this one case, somehow, God, though all knowing, knowing that man would fail, already had in thought, to ask Jesus to remedy man sinning and that Jesus would accept the task willingly.
I know that my God is a God of love, and great compassion, so I also know that my God could not and would not leave man to suffer in a state of sinfulness permanently, because God desires all of His children, His family to be with him and be happy in heaven.