Why should I listen to FM radio station anyway?
Most FM radio stations have lose roles they should play in the society just the way a cow would certainly stop walking on four and begin hopping on one limb. A moment ago FM radio stations had four limbs of informing, educating, advocating and entertaining. These are core responsibilities of mass media should play in society.
Nevertheless, these three limbs except entertaining have gone to dogs. Playing music has dominated most FM radio stations in such a way that you can’t differentiate between listening to music from your storage device or radio.
Furthermore, the oral Fourth Estate goes ahead to play music all day long without other programs to educate the listener. Anybody can download music to her or his electronics or buy CDs and listen to!
Everything must not be about music since it is not the only technique to entertained audience! Not every character is entertained by music.
Other Programs ranging features of historical, business environment and individuals who made in life among another thing like plays and drama on issues affecting the community can add much value to radio.
Recently, the government was encouraging Kenya to tour Kenya. If fm radio stations would have provided awareness by airing programs revealing the beauty sceneries that would create a center of attention towards domestic would have justified their role.
So far, radio is the most popular mass media give fact that a huge number of Kenya can effort it. Having a giant audience than any other mass media is an advantage to FM station to a positive impact on the society.
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