Why should you become a graphic designer?

Thanks to the advancement of technology, people are able to use computers in order to assist them in the creation of a design for a certain product which they want to build or produce. Computer-aided design has found its use in a variety of fields like:

  • architecture,

  • engineering,

  • film industry,

  • game industry,

  • car industry, etc.

The reason why computer – aided design is so widely used is because it can create a very precise and accurate model of the things you want to create. You can see how this modeling has become advanced over the years, whenever you pay attention to special effects in movies, 3D cartoons and video games. The models that we see today are so developed that it is hard to believe that there is any room for improvement and it is all thanks to computer software which is getting better each year.

State of the art

Computer-aided design can be used both to create curves and figures in 2D and 3D space. It is, in a way, a form of modern age art and it is now highly utilized since, thanks 3D printers, the mass production of almost any item is much easier – that is, if you have someone who is capable to create a good design for that item.


CAD is used for the creation of photo simulations. These things are usually needed during the preparation of Environmental Impact Reports. During these reports, CAD models of buildings are placed in a certain, existing environment in order for us to have greater visualization of that place, in case the facilities are allowed to be built. There is no need to say how this can be extremely helpful for engineers. They can precisely design features which are to be built and do certain measurements more easily; they can measure tensile strength, yield strength, electrical or electromagnetic properties.

Game design

If you want to create a video game which is going to be popular, you need to invest in quality designed characters and backgrounds – if you take a look at the currently best selling games, they all use real life models which are afterwards reworked using CAD and they look really realistic thanks to that. The characters in the games resemble humans more and more with each new game that comes out. It is truly incredible what you can achieve thanks to CAD.

Special effects in movies

Another field in which we can show an amazing display of CAD’s potential is the movie industry.  When you see special effects, especially in science fiction, action or horror movies, bear in mind that almost all of them are created using CAD. Every explosion, mythic creature or alien are products of CAD since they look way more realistic than a man who wears a mask (like they used to do it during the old days). Even animated movies are now created in majority using 3D models. It makes you think that one day we will stop using actors or a stunt man for making movies.

A well-paid job?

You should consider advancing in this field if you are currently unemployed, since learning about 3D CAD and how to create 3D models via computer programs is definitely something that can earn you enough money for a good life. It is one of the most wanted jobs nowadays, since there are a lot of companies that create applications and games for android and mac platforms and in order for their game to be successful – they need a skillful graphic designer.

In other words, looking up tutorials on the internet and taking courses in CAD is definitely not something that should be considered a waste of time because, once you master the basics and some of the advanced capabilities of the software, everything else will depend on your own creativity and the ability to use your newly gained skills. Just try to imagine the satisfaction that you will have once you are able to create a whole video game all by yourself. You can also make short animated movies and upload them. Once you hit enough views and subscribers, you will earn money just by allowing commercials to be placed on your YouTube channel. So don’t hesitate anymore, start mastering CAD because that is where the money is.

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