Why the OSU Win Is Important to Everyone: 5 Take-Aways from this Championship Season

Sports and life, life and sports. To most of us the two are interchangeable. We learn about life from sports and we apply sports to life. Some will say that sports don’t affect their life. That what happens with the Browns or the Buckeyes don’t affect them. I beg to differ.

5 Take Aways from this Championship Season:

1. Next Man Up
The lesson that stands out the most in this season of dreams is the proof, the observable, measurable proof that no one is indispensable. For a time it was hard to imagine OSU without The Vest. For any team, it is hard to imagine post season play with a third string quarterback. What a lesson for all of us, that not only is there a next man or woman up, but the next one up could be even better than the person they were replacing. Perhaps we can remember that the next time we are faced with a disheartening vacancy.

2. Mental Toughness
OSU lost the last two games of the 2013 season. Then they lost their 2014 home opener against Virginia Tech. The last time OSU lost their home opener Woody Hayes was the coach and Art Schlichter was starting his first game in that 19-0 loss to Penn State. Former Buckeye linebacker Tom Cousineau, who recorded a then-OSU record with 29 total tackles in the 1978 loss to Penn State, said after the game that he believed the Buckeyes could run the table despite the loss. That’s mental toughness.

3. Destiny Needs Help
People will talk about destiny. It’s kind of like a team or a country praying for a victory. Do you not realize that the other side is also praying to the same higher being? If there is such a thing as destiny, it needs help. Assistant coaches say that what head coach Meyer wants is a room that winds up on the same page, but only after healthy debate. Meyer is as good as any coach at encouraging the flow of ideas. Destiny needs help and in this day and age the help is in the art of collaboration.

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Leslie Ungar:
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