Will There Ever Be a Fair Economy?

I read news about the economy on a daily basis and one of the things I often hear politicians say is that we’re in this economic crisis together.  It sounds good, but if you look at what they’ve done over the last two years, you realize we’re anything but together in the crisis.

This morning I read on the BBC website the amount that the top hedge fund managers made.  The top guy earned $4 billion and the second one isn’t too far behind with $2.5 billion.   Banks are mulling over how much bonus to pay their staff this year– the same banks that needed government bailout not long ago. At the same time the government is telling us that the cuts to spending are necessary, cuts that will affect essential services and jobs.

So in a world where some can earn billions while others can’t even find a job, a world where people whom the tax payer bailed out two years ago are now worthy of a bonus:  Will we ever have a fair economy in such a world? 

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