According to aides, US Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama has raised $32 million in a single month which was January. This has matched his best three-month period back in 2007.
The money raised puts Obama for a sweeping position for the Super Tuesday primaries on February 5 when 22 states will be up for grabs prelude to the Democratic nomination. Also, the aides have said that the money can also be used to advertise in states that have their primaries after Super Tuesday.
On February 5, Obama will advertise in all but two states. After that, he will advertise in states with upcoming contests.
David Plouffe, the campaign manager said that Obama’s campaign has attracted 170,000 new donors. The total number of donors is now at 650,000.
“We think that the strength of our financial position and the number of donors does speak to financial sustainability if it ends up going through March and April,” he said in regards to the race. He added: “We think we will have the financial resources to conduct vigorous campaigns in the states to come.”
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