In India, the business of prostitution is said to be illegal. But there are still many sex workers in the country.
In metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Bangalore, the prostitition business happens at a very high level. But the new name and new style of prostitute is termed "Escort".
While this level of business happens very frequently in foreign countries, it has just started in India. Some escort agencies provide "high class girls" to people from the rich society.
Those who have money can have beautiful escorts. These girls will entertain you in anyway you say.
She will roam with you and spend the night with you. But their charges are very much higher than what a regular prostitute demands. Some escorts’ rate is Rs 2,00,000 INR for one night. That is equivalent to $4,500.
Escorts include college girls and young teenage girls. Some escorts rates are less and some are high, depending on her status.
In short, some girls take escort work as business where she can earn money easily. But one thing is certain: only a rich person can have her.
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