Categories: Opinion

woman’ s role

there islot ofcontroversy surrounding woman’s role insociety. the scriptural reference suggests that woman was carved 0ut of man’s rib.the latest is that men are from Mars and women are from Venus and the twain think and work from difffernt planes of existence.With more and morewomen entering the boardrooms, there is need to take an objective view and ferret out as much information as possible.

This is the version of woman’s origin in ancient sanskrit text.Twastri, the divine Vulcan,is credited with this excellent feat.

And here is how:

he took thelightness of the leaf and the glance of the fawn, the gaiety of the sun’s rays and the tears of the mist, the inconsatancy of the wind and the timidity of the hare,the vanity of the peacockand thesoftness of the down on the throat of the swallow.

"he added the harshness of the diamond,the sweet flavour of honey, the cruelty of the tiger,the warmth of fire and the chill of snow.

"he added the chatter of the jay,and the cooing of the turtle dove.He melted all this and formed a woman.

"Then he made a present of her to man"

The truth is midway. There is femininity in masculinity and masculinity in femi nine.The best description could be Ardhanareeswari, half she, half he, that is synonymous with Lord Shiva.

M S Ramamurthy:
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