Hello Friends Today is 5th June and this day is celebrated as
WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY and it is must for everyone to protect our environement as Global Warming is increasing day by day.If we do not take steps right now than that day is not far when God will be sad on Human Beings and all over there will Tsunami, Earthquale,Floods etc.We needs to save Trees and also to grow more trees so that there will be no imbalance in envirnment.Now days due to imbalance and Glabal Warming weather changes anytime.There is very hot in summer and weather is not continuous anywhere.This is all due to Glabal Warming.Just take a Promise to Grow Tress and Save Tress and not to Harm Environment.Today many greedy peoples are destroying Trees,Forests and making Buildings which is harmful to us only in future.
So no more destroying Trees.