There are various problems associated world food scarcity. These are discussed follows-
Over population
Over population is one of the primary cause of food shortage in world in world. It is generally agreed that two- third of the world’s hungry are in the densely-populated countries in Asia especially in India, Bangladesh, Nepal. Pakistan, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Soil erosion
Farmers are using soils that are eroding at an alarming rate. Social erosion reduces the natural productivity of soil by removing nutrients and organic matter and by reducing top soil depth Global dimensions of land desorption are a major concern. Above forty per cent of the earth’s land- surface is affected. The natural productivity of many soils has been reduced to a lrage extend because erosion.
Water resources
Along With sun -light, land and water is a vital resource for agricultural production. Further, irrigation is essential if rainfall cannot be relieved upon to supply the moisture needed for crop production. Irrigated crop production requires the movement of large quantities of water. In general, most water run off which brings with it loose soil and thereby negative effective on agriculture.
More than twenty per cent of the world population now experiencing serious water shortages because of drought. Prolong drought continues to be one of the major causes of the Ethiopian famine.
Climate changes
The earth is getting warmer and deforestation continues unabated, reducing the capacity of soils and vegetation. There is greater relative damage to agriculture in less developed countries, partly because crops are already grown nearer to heat tolerance limits but also because of their lesser expected capacity to adopt than to developing countries.
Biological diversity
Almost ninety per cent of human food comes from just 15 species of plants and eight species of livestock. Now, natural spices are eliminated in many ways. Those having the greatest impact include clearing land of vegetation for agriculture development of ueban areas and the chemical pollution of the environment.
In some parts of the world as much as fifty per cent of food production is lost before it reaches to the consumers. Pests such as insects, rodents and birds cause significant losses before and after harvest in grains, fruits, and nuts.
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