“World News Papers available at just the touch of a button in Chennai !!”

        In Chennai, the visiting international tourists,the local people and the floating population can get the International Editions of News Papers like the USA Today,(USA),The Observer (UK), Die Velt(Germany),Le Monde (France),El Pais (Spain),Komsomolskaya (Russia) and Sports Nippon(Japan) etc at Chennai itself. Thanks to the satellite technology, about 200 newspapers from 55 countries in 32  languages are available at the  touch of  a button on a vending kiosk.

     A satellite newspaper kiosk is fully automated unit that receives the latest editions of a network of news papers via satellite transmission.A copy is printed on demand.The price is about $ 5 a copy (about Rs 240/-).The vending machine prints the copy within three minutes of a customer’s request.The copies are tabliod sized and available in block and white format.

    Therefore, the satellite network further shrinks the world as already done by the communication net work.


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