World No Tobacco Day organized in Jammu region

Jammu, May 31 (Scoop News) –  On the occasion of world no tobacco day at government hospital Sarwal, Jammu multiple programmes were organized.

In collaboration with Government Psychiatry Hospital Jammu, Nursing students from Bee Enn Charitable Trust, SPYM(Society for the Promotion of youth and masses), and Big 92.7 fm. From Psychiatry Hospital Jammu,   Dr Mannu Arora and Dr Rakesh Banal both consultants Psychiatrist were present and gave counseling and treatment to people who wanted to quit smoking and tobacco chewing. Nursing students from Bee Enn Charitable Trust made very attractive posters which were later displayed in the hospital complex for the public. SPYM (Society for the Promotion of youth and masses), Mashwara de-addiction centre purkhoo also coordinated and displayed exhibition related to no tobacco day. Big 92.7 fm were the media partners for the day. Rj Manav and Rj Pallavi were present on the occasion. 


On this day each year WHO celebrates World No Tobacco Day, highlighting the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce consumption. Tobacco use is the second cause of death globally (after hypertension) and is currently responsible for killing one in 10 adults worldwide. The World Health Assembly created World No Tobacco Day in 1987 to draw global attention to the tobacco epidemic and its lethal effects. It provides an opportunity to highlight specific tobacco control messages and to promote adherence to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Tobacco use is the number one preventable epidemic that the health. The WHO Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) was established in July 1998 to focus international attention, resources and action on the global tobacco epidemic. TFI’s objective is to reduce the global burden of disease and death caused by tobacco, thereby protecting present and future generations from the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has chosen “The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control” as the theme of the next World No Tobacco Day, which is on 31 May 2011.


WHO Tobacco’s toll on human life


The tobacco epidemic kills nearly 6 million people each year, of whom more than 5 million are users and ex users, more than 600 000 are nonsmokers exposed to second-hand smoke.

After high blood pressure, tobacco use is the biggest contributor to the epidemic of non communicable diseases — such as heart attack, stroke, cancer and emphysema — which accounts for 63% of deaths

Smokers are more susceptible to certain communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis and pneumonia

No consumer product kills as many people and as needlessly as does tobacco. It killed 100 million people in the 20th century. Unless we act, it could kill up to 1 billion people in the 21st. All of these deaths will have been entirely preventable

WHO has the means to curtail the tobacco epidemic – The most powerful tool at their disposal is a treaty, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), which effectively protects people from the many harms of tobacco.

The WHO FCTC is the world’s answer to the tobacco epidemic. It obliges its Parties to take incremental action against tobacco consumption, marketing and exposure, among many other measures.



Meanwhile World No Tobacco Day was organized in various districts and towns of Jammu division.

Anti-Tobacco Day: DDC flags off rally at Katra


Over seven hundred students drawn from various governmental and private educational institutions of the town carrying banners and placards on ill effects of tobacco and its products like “Say No to Tobacco”, “Smoking Causes Cancer”, “Smoking is injurious to health”, “Avoid Smoking Save Planet”, “Smoking habit invites untimely death” etc. marched through the main locations of the holy town Katra and finally culminated at the starting point this morning.

District Development Commissioner, Reasi, flagged off the rally from the Government Higher Secondary School, Katra on the eve of Anti-Tobacco Day.

The rally was organized with the collaborated efforts of Department of Education , Drugs and Food Control, and District Information Centre, Udhampur under the over all supervision of DDC. The private Drug Association Katra also extended their help to make the rally a success.

Deputy Controller Drugs, Jammu, Assistant Controller Drugs, Reasi Chief Education officer, Reasi, BMO, Katra, Heads of various educational institutions, Food and Drugs Inspector of district Reasi, teachers and students participated in the rally.

Addressing the rally, the DDC complimented the organizers for holding this event on the eve Anti-Tobacco Day for the awareness of school children and masses in general. Giving the striking figures on the ill effects of tobacco usage, he said that the health of millions of people around the globe was associated with this day. Highlighting the relevance of the day, he called upon the younger generation to come forward and act as an ambassador of anti-tobacco campaign. He asked the children to motivate their elders habitual of smoking to stop smoking forthwith to lead a healthy and long life.

He appreciated the initiatives of department of Drugs and Food Control Organization, Reasi for taking necessary steps for effective implementation of section-5 of the Indian Tobacco Control Act-2003 in the district. He said that smoking is most rampant social evil not only in the country but in the entire world. He hoped that the efforts of department involved in rally would go a long way in spreading the ill effects of smoking to make a tobacco free society.

Anti- Tabacco Day celeberates in Poonch

As a part of World Anti-Tabacco Day celeberation, the Education Department in collaboration with Drugs & Food Control Organization, Poonch, today organized a massive rally at Poonch which was participated by over 500 students from various educational institutions of the district.
The rally marched through the roads and markets of Poonch city carrying banners with slogans like “Smoking kills”, “Tabacco causes cancer”, “stop smoking” etc . The main aim of this informative rally was to educate the people especially young generation about the ill-effects of this dreaded habit which only leads to self-destruction.

The rally was flagged off by the Chief Education Officer and Chief Medical Officer and attended by the Principal HSS Boys Poonch, district officers and a large number of people.


DDC Rajouri flags off rally on World No Tobacco Day

District Development Commissioner Rajouri flagged off a rally organized to mark the World No Tobacco Day in which a large number of students and citizens participated.

The rally was organized by the department of Youth services and sports in collaboration with the Drug and Food Control organization under the aegis of District Level monitoring Committee for implementation of cigarette and tobacco act 2003.The rally started from Town Hall Rajouri and culminated at Boys Higher Secondary School Rajoui.


Speaking on the occasion the DDC said that this day is being observed around the world to draw attention to the widespread prevalence of tobacco use and its negative effects on health and social life .He asked the youth to abstain from consumption of tobacco and tobacco products and associate themselves with the crusade launched against the menace so that others might be warned of its hazardous effects. He said that collective efforts and proper information about the various ill effects of tobacco are important to encourage abstinence from all forms of tobacco.
The DDC exhorted the need for generating more awareness among the students in the educational institutions so that they can carry forward the message about the negative impact of tobacco in the society. He also directed the concerned departments to organize such events and make people aware regarding this issue.



Scoop News: Jammu and Kashmir
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