According to the UN ,"There are 7 billion people to feed on the planet today and another 2 billion are expected to join by 2050. Statistics say that each of us drinks from 2 to 4 litres of water every day, however most of the water we ‘drink’ is embedded in the food we eat: producing 1 kilo of beef for example consumes 15,000 litres of water while 1 kilo of wheat ’drinks up’ 1,500 litres. When a billion people in the world already live in chronic hunger and water resources are under pressure we cannot pretend the problem is ‘elsewhere’."
"Coping with population growth and ensuring access to nutritious food to everyone call for a series of actions we can all help with follow a healthier, sustainable diet; consume less water-intensive products; reduce the scandalous food wastage: 30% of the food produced worldwide is never eaten and the water used to produce it is definitively lost!; produce more food, of better quality, with less water." add they.
Nepal stands 2nd biggest in the white water rivers( fresh water) after Brazil and still we have not been able to utilize this resource, Looking at the statistics, the water supply coverage of the country is only 88% of the total population and still there is scarcity of drinking and clean water in Nepal. Every year during the rainy season Child deaths (under five) from diarrhoea per annum: 7,900to 10,500.
According to Off-track, off target’ Report of Wateraid Nepal, " There are more people in the world today lacking adequate sanitation services than in 1990. Unless urgent action is taken, the Nepal Government will fail to meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) pledge they made to halve the proportion of people without sanitation by 2015. This has massive consequences for child mortality in the country."
Nepal’s MDG target is to supply 73% of the population with safe water by 2015 and 53% of the population with adequate sanitation. 80% have water but only 31% have sanitation. If functionality of water points is taken into account the coverage levels drop to only 52 percent. While Nepal has met its water MDG target early, at current rates of progress the sanitation target will be missed by 15 years (2030).
Ashutosh Tiwari, WaterAid’s Country Representative in Nepal said, "Every year thousands of children die in Nepal due to a lack of adequate sanitation and clean water. This is the true cost we bear from the failure to ensure basic water and sanitation services. The Government must increase the level of spending on water and sanitation, and donor governments increase the share of aid they spend on water and sanitation, so that we can work together to turn this situation around."
The problem regarding safe water supply is there where as on the other hand the business possibility is also immersing. Even if we pack the water straight from HIMALAYAS and sell it to the outside world, people would be ready to buy it first hand as MINERAL WATER.
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