Writing Sites That Pay

Do you want to write articles online and make an income, but aren’t sure which sites really pay? I was in the same predicament a few months ago. Fortunately I had friends to guide me on my writing journey. I believe in passing along information that will help others, so here I will list some online writing sites that I use personally and that have actually paid me.

Triond: I have been paid twice by Triond. I haven’t made much yet, but that’s because I haven’t put much content up on the site. The more you write the more you make with sites like Trion that pay per page views. They pay directly into my PayPal account.

Associated Content: I have been paid once for page views with Associated Content. Unfortunately I haven’t perfected the art of writing good keyword dense articles which is what Associated Content prefers. I have been paid upfront payment numerous times for the articles they did accept that met their criteria. The more articles you write that meet their criteria of being unique and that use keywords correctly, the more upfront payments you get. You will also draw income for page views on those articles. They also pay directly through PayPal.

Demand Studios: I actually make the bulk of my income from Demand Studios. They usually pay $15.00 for each article accepted. Almost everyone starts with How-to articles when writing for Demand Studios. You do have to submit an application and resume to be considered for work with them. It’s best to get a few good articles under your belt because they ask that you submit two examples of your writing with the application. Demand also pays to your PayPal account.

EHow: I have been writing with eHow since the beginning. I’ve been paid the last four months into my PayPal account. You have to reach the $10.00 minimum to receive payment. It’s not hard to do if you put quality articles on the site. They pay by page views, but I’ve found that my articles get the most page views with eHow out of all the sites I write for. Demand Studios and eHow are connected but you can write for both; you just have to use two different names.

GroundReport: I’ve written for GroundReport for the last three months. They pay per page views also, but like eHow, the page views are easier to get. Again, the more you write, the more you’ll make. And, if you do an article on a hot topic you’ll get more page views. My payments go into my PayPal account for this company also.

ReviewStream: I received my first payout from ReviewStream last month. You have to reach $50.00 to get payout with them. It was not easy for me to make this amount. Reviews are not what I like doing best. If you really love giving your opinion on items you use, movies you watch, restaurants, and almost everything else under the sun, ReviewStream is for you. ReviewStream pays with PayPal but you have to set it up to accept payments from outside the United States.

Pinecone Research: This is a survey site that pays $3.00 per survey. They also pay directly with PayPal. You can only get on with them by clicking on their banner ad on a site, and then filling out the application. If accepted they usually do one or two surveys a month.

MyLot: On MyLot you write and respond to discussions, upload photos, and just get to know people. It is a social network. It’s nice getting paid to make friends! MyLot also pays into your PayPal account when you reach the $10.00 payout.

Those are the sites that I have personally been paid by. I also write for Helium and Thisisby.us. I haven’t reached payout for either of those sites, but know people who have and said they got paid. If you are looking to start a writing career online, check the above sites out. They are very easy to write for and you will gain knowledge through the editing and comments on your work, make new friends, and improve your writing. Good luck with your writing career!





Angel Sharum: Angel Sharum is a Georgia Peach ripening in Alabama. Never one to shy away from voicing her opinion, Angel found the perfect venue to share her thoughts when she started writing non-fiction articles for online publications.

The success of her articles convinced her to try her hand at other forms of writing. Putting what friends and family called a vivid and sometimes twisted imagination to use, she began writing poetry and short fiction. It didn’t take long for her to realize this was where her true passion lay.

Writing short stories allows her to take readers on journeys of imagination that linger beyond “The End” and poetry offers a way for her to shake up people’s emotions and make them think. According to Angel, when she accomplishes her goals a truly special connection exists between her and her readers.
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