Yahoo answer page details breaches of military base security, including one deadly incident at Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms

Trespassing on 29 Palms?


Military breaches of security happen every day. In some case they are relatively harmless trespassers in others they are more serious and deal with criminal activity.

We found one webpages on Yahoo answers asking for advice from people on “what to do in certain situations?” Specifically what to do if your caught trespassing on a military base for example.

The questions and answered surprised us:

“Im 15, I got onto base without an ID (through a trail in the woods, around the fence) and got caught by MP’s and charged with Trespassing. What could be my possible penalty’s?”

“When I was stationed in 29 Palms, scrappers (some locals, we called them desert rats) snuck onto base, and were stealing copper from some building transformer wire. Mp’s rolled up on them, they fired upon the Mp’s……..then tried to escape…..lets just say, one ended up dead, the other arrested.”


We also found forums that give the answer to those types of questions:

“According to www.Military.com the maximum penalty for trespassing a military base is six months in jail and a $5,000 fine. It’s a year in jail and a $100,000 fine for destroying property. Other penalties may even include death! -ChaCha again!”




Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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