Yahoo Betters Google In Customer Satisfaction

Now, the title may seem unbelievable to some. It is not everyday that we hear the search giant Google losing out on anything. But according to a recent survey conducted by ACSI(American Consumer Satisfaction Index), Yahoo! overtook Google in terms of customer satisfaction. The survey covered areas like online news, search engines, portals and e-commerce.

Yahoo gained 3 points this year to reach 79 out of a possible 100 while Google lost 3 points to come down to 78, comparing to their 2006 scores. This is Google’s lowest score ever, since the survey started in 2000. But I guess no one at Google is going to hit the panic button yet. They are still way ahead of many of their competitors.

AOL is the biggest loser according to the survey losing 7 points, while Microsoft moved up one point to 75. Ask.com gained a remarkable 4 points this year to join Microsoft with 75 points. The results of the survey can be accessed HERE

Actually, for me too its a little hard to believe. I do not use Yahoo much. Perhaps I should use Yahoo and Ask.com more often. Certainly with the launch of Ask3D, they have moved up in popularity as well.

How it is going to effect these companies’ future plans and strategy remains to be seen. I hope it will bring out the best in Google.

Here are two interesting articles that I have found You GahooYoogle It! and Search Googlonymously!

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