Yeast Infection Cure



Yeast infection, also known as Candida infection, Candidiasis, Monilia or thrush, can be a very unpleasant condition and is caused by an overgrowth of Candida albicans bacteria.

A vast number of different bacteria live on the surface of our bodies, in the genital area, our mouths and in our gastrointestinal tract. Each type of bacteria has an important function for our health and in a normal healthy individual they all live together in a natural healthy balance.

The function of the Candida bacteria is to keep other potentially unhealthy bacteria in check and the Candida themselves are kept in check by friendly pro-biotic bacteria.

There are various situations in life though, where our natural internal balance can be disrupted or damaged. This is when the Candida albicans might be able to multiply out of control and this overgrowth is when the yeast infection symptoms appear.

People generally believe that yeast infection only happens in localised areas on the skin’s surface and can be easily treated with anti-fungal creams and prescriptions. Unfortunately it is often not that straight forward. Where the infections are persistent and keep coming back this can be the sign of a far more serious internal problem.


What Happens to us internally?

When our natural internal balance has been disrupted and the Candida bacteria multiply unchecked they change from a yeast form to a fungal form which creates roots which can break through the walls of our intestines.

Yeast, bacteria and partly digested food can now get into the blood stream and travel around or body and could potentially infect many organs and localised areas of our body causing itching, rashes and other symptoms.

We need to be aware that by the time we notice these symptoms the Candida may already be out of control inside our bodies. Once this has happened the infection has become systemic and can be very difficult to get rid of. In extreme cases systemic yeast infection can even be fatal.


Yeast Infection Symptoms


The More Obvious Symptoms in Women Include:

  • Itching and redness of the genital area.

  •  Pain during sex and urination.

  •  A smelly cheese-like discharge.

  •  Potentially severe swelling of the vagina.

  •  There can be painful cracks in the skin.

  •  General tiredness.

The More Obvious Symptoms in Men Include:

  •  Itching and redness of the genital area.

  •   A smelly cheese-like discharge

  •  Possible well-defined smaller rashes around the main one.

Other Potential Symptoms May Include:

  •  Oral thrush (yeast infections of the mouth and throat).

  • Skin rashes – most likely found in skin folds.

  •  Discoloured and thickened finger or toe nails.


How to Cure your Yeast Infection Permanently


Doctors find yeast infection difficult to eradicate – simply because it can be triggered by a combination of so many different factors.

There are a lot of anti-fungal creams and over-the –counter treatments which will go  some way to combat the symptoms but very few (if any) are able to properly tackle the root cause.

The best way to cure your yeast infection permanently is with a comprehensive holistic treatment which works on the whole body to restore the natural healthy internal balance rather than just tackling individual symptoms.

Click on the link for more info on how to cure yeast infection



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