Yoga for Women at Every Age

Book: Yoga for Women
Author: Meghna Virk Bains
Language: English
ISBN: 9788122310023
Pages: 147
Price: Rs. 120.00
Publisher: Pustak Mahal

‘No teaching worth a name can give the key through words’. It stands true in the case of yoga, where the whole essence lies in its physical and practical experience. However, since the words are the verbal embodiment of power, the author says the aim of writing this book is to reach out to as many wonderful women out there as possible.
Yoga can bring phenomenal transformation in the life of every woman – at every stage of lifeI. This book will help you rediscover your lost potentials and in the process re-establish the connection with the real you.
To draw the most out of this book, you must drop all your pre-conceived notions and apprehensions before you embark upon this journey. Remember, it is never too late to learn how to live as long as you are alive.

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Binay Srivastava: I am a feature writer on global affairs and work as an editor in a publishing house in New Delhi, India. I enjoy reading books and review those that interest me.
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