You are Much More Than Your Name !

Do you like it when someone addresses you by your name? I do. Instead of saying ,”Hey ,I had a wonderful day today” , if someone says “Uma,I had a wonderful day today”, I would like it very much. If I meet a childhood friend I would like her to remember my name. When we meet friends and distant relatives at functions or parties, sometimes it is like “Faces familiar ,names forgotten”.


But there is nothing to worry because you are much more than your name. When you reach home look into the mirror and ask yourself “Who am I?” You will get a lot of answers. You are a spouse, you are a parent to your child, the son or daughter of your parents, you are a brother or sister to someone, a niece or nephew, a grandchild to your grandparents .If you are working ,probably you are an employer or an employee, may be a teacher or a student….this list is endless.

Above all this is, YOU are the citizen of your country.


You have to work on the “ME” project. Never underestimate yourself. If you do will undermine your own self. Only YOU can realize what you are and make yourself a better human being. People around you can only help but it’s YOU who can do the most important part of this project wherever you go – be it home or your workplace.


This project involves self improvement which is the most important project of your life. Growing up is essential part of this project. It is a great adventure since you experience it everyday. Each day has to be lived because it can never be lived again. You meet more and more people everyday and they will enrich you as a human being.


YOU may be one among the billions of people on Earth but remember, no one is like YOU. YOU are unique in your own way. You may realize only a small portion of the great possibilities within YOU but a great deal more will come to light as days go by. Every day say, ”I am just ME”, no one else.

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