I love Almighty God My Father, I love My Brother Christ Jesus, and I love My Brother Holy Spirit, with a passionate love that is always growing and never ceasing. I hunger to know my heavenly family as closely and as intimately as I am permitted to know them. This is why I seek to understand God’s word in The Holy Bible. This is why I seek His Truth.
I humbly and respectfully pray now. "Father, Jesus my brother, forgive me for having a questioning mind, that seeks to analyze and understand "Your words" given me through your scriptures in Your Holy Bible. Forgive me if I ask a question that maybe I should not ask. Forgive me if I am trying to know you and understand you more than I should, and forgive me please if I am wrong for drawing all of this to the attention of others, if it is not meant to be known or shared. I’m sorry God if this is wrong of me, as I only seek to know my God. Please Forgive me My God and My Lord………Amen.
I accept (every scripture), with the obvious exception of the "Book of Revelation" which is definitely prophetic in nature, as a "Litteral Interpretation and translation" of God’s thoughts and words, as expressed through His Holy Spirit, but written by secular man.
Even if the writings in the book of Jeremiah are to be perceived as purely prophetic, this does not take away from the fact stated by God that God sanctified Jeremiah and proclaimed him as one of God’s Holy Prophets.
In JEREMIAH: 1: 4-5, comes a quote we are all to familiar with.
"And the word of the Lord came unto me saying, Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sactified thee."
These words speak volumes to someone like myself, someone who has no formal biblical education only the knowledge that he can glean from constantly trying to understand his God and God’s teachings through His Holy Text The Bible.
I am not trying to be flip, or sarcastic, nor am I questioning my Christian beliefs or my true and deep love for My Creator, My God, My Saviour, or any other adjective that my Christian Bretheren might think to attach to someone asking these sort of questions.
I am simply with all of my discerning heart, sincerely trying hard to Understand My God, even though His ways are higher than my ways, His thoughts higher than my thoughts. I hunger to know what He’s trying to tell me and teach me. I was born with an inquisitive mind, and what I do not have the answer for I seek it out to quench my thirst to know and understand.
God seems to be relating to me, that I am a spiritual being, placed inside of the human body that is me David. I say that I am a spiritual being for I believe that we are all created first spiritually by God. He also tells me that God Himself knew me and knows me personally, personally enough that . God also knows me well enough to have every hair on my head numbered, as related by Jesus in, (Luke 12:7)
I pose these questions because in the latter part of the scripture in Jeremiah God says that he also sanctified the prophet. This scripture in Jeremiah raises an interesting and perplexing question. Well actually more than just one. As I previously stated, I believe that we are all created spiritually first, otherwise how could God tell Jeremiah that before being placed in the womb, God knew him?
This would also hint towards the fact that we at one point were face to face with our creator, and knew Him too. Of course this is supposition on my behalf as there is no scripture to back up this theory, but the question of fact or fiction enters into the picture.
Does God permit Himself the priviledge as God, to treat one of His creations better than another, thus making them better than another, or are we all seen as equal creations in the eyes of God but with differing qualities and gifts freely given by The Holy Spirit ?
If God could sanctify Jeremiah, did he also sanctify His other prophets even before their births, Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Isaiah, etc., without recording it ?
If God sanctified Jeremiah, then why not sanctify everyone?
Does this act of sanctifying Jeremiah not mean that Jesus, God’s Son, the second person of the trinity, did not have to be sacrificed for the sins of man, God could simply choose to sanctify us, at his discretion?
If sanctification is and was at God’s discretion available to man at any time God so chose, then Jesus Crucifixtion served to through His descention to hell and His resurrection to heaven erase death, announce to satan that his powers were illusionary, and proved that spiritually we too could return back to heaven, at the time of our physical bodily death, after serving our Creator God, in whatever capacity He had chosen for us to follow as His servants here on earth.
What message does this act of sanctification for Jeremiah, say to Lucifer, Satan? Should it not say that Satan’s powers over man are totally illusionary, because God can at will sanctify anyone He so chooses to?
Some of my Christian brothers and sister will tell me I shouldn’t question God’s Authority to do whatever He desires, because well just because we shouldn’t, but if I cannot question My Father, My Creator, about something as serious as this, then what can I question Him on?
If I cannot question God on something like this, does it mean that My God is not approachable, or only approachable when it suits Him ? My God, the God I know and love is totally open and accessible to me morning, noon, or night. He is totally open and straight-forward about anything and everything.
Some will tell me to offer this up in prayer, and to seek the answer through the scriptures of the Holy Bible. It is the Holy Bible and a scripture from it, that brought me to these questions, and I have prayed over the questions and continue to pray over them with an open and discerning heart.
This scripture comes from the Hebrew text of the Old testament. I do not have a Hebrew Dictionary to disect the word "Sanctified" in its tongue of origin so I rely upon my trusty Webster’s New World Dictionary of the "American Language" second college edition:
The words "Sanctified" "Sanctify" is defined as follows: dedicated, consecrated, made Holy, to set apart from or make free of sin, purify, to make binding or inviolable
This definition would indicate not only to myself but to any other average laic person, that God at any time, had the power and the right, to sanctify purify, make Holy, anyone and everyone, which if one stops and thinks about it, opens up another gigantic can of worms, in the form of a question, maybe better left unasked.
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