YSDO distributed free Sewing Machines

 Free Sewing machines, handicraft and shopping center items distributed among 60 women and men of Madaglasht by YSDO and SPO.


CHITRAL:  Young Star Development Organization (YSDO) Drosh distributed 30 sewing machines and handicraft goods as well as different hosiery items for shopping centers among 60 men and women of Madaglasht valley the most neglected and remote locality of Chitral. Addressing on the occasion chairman YSDO Asfandiar Khan said that they working in different sectors in most neglected and remote localities of Chitral to uplift life stander of poor segment. He said that YSDO working in 10 government schools and 10 government health outlets  in maintenance and providing free equipments as well as it rendering different training to women folk to enable them to gain their livelihood with a honor way at their doorstep. He said that we also burry unclaimed dead bodies and distribute free medicines among the poor patients. At present we distribute sewing machines and different items for shopping center and handicraft among leaders of women and men group of Madaglasht valley as a result 60 households would be support and these women can be gain their livelihood with a honor way because they have no job opportunity in the valley. He thanked strengthening participatory     Organization (SPO) for their financial support in distributing of these free goods.  Arshad Haroon regional Head of SPO also briefed the participants that SPO supporting with participation of local community by involving small organizations. He said SPO working in country level and focus on Chitral where it launched different schemes in collaboration with local support organizations on good governance and human rights . Former Nazim Union Council Drosh Haider Abbas and elites of Madaglasht valley also spoke on the occasion. At last they distributed these free goods among the women and men of the valley. A large number of people of the area participated in distribution ceremony.  


G.H. Farooqi C/O Manager bank Islami Main branch Chitral phone No 0943-320737, 316052, 414418  , 03025989602, 03337069572, 03159698446, 03469002167

email: gulhamad@gmail.com


G. H. Farooqui: Free Lance Journalist from Chitral Pakistan and Human Rights Activist as well as Social Worker and Registered Volunteer
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