The two major Demorcratic Parties of Pakistan, viz., the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League (PMQ/N) ironed out their differences to announce a coalition government. Hailing their agreement, the two leaders of their respective parites, viz., Mr.Zardari of PPP and Mr.Nawaz Sheriff of PMQ called upon Presient Parvez Musharraf to convene the National Assembly without any delay.
PMQ(N) would join the Government at the Centre and this would be reciprocated by the PPP by joining the Government to be formed by PMQ in Punjab. This is a complete reversal of the stand by PMQ which had earlier maintained that it would not take any oath from Mr.Musharraf whom it did notconsider to have any legal locus standi in holding ont to the post of the President. The reversal of the stand was justified by Mr.Nawaz Sheriff that in order to respect the verdict of the people, this sacrifice has to be made. According to both the leaders,the people by giving them substantial victories want it to be respected by working together. By encountering the criticism of Mr.Musharraf that the results did not indicate clear vicotry for either of them,they said that these results were against his dictatorial rule.
However, one fall out of this coalition arrangemnt could be that the PPP’s Deputy Leader, Mr.Makhdoom Amin Fahim may no longer be in the reckoning for the P.M.’s post. This impression gathers strength on account of two reasons; (a) PMQ(N) may prefer a candidate for the post from Punjab and (b) the fact that Mr.Fahim was not invited to the Bhurban meeting indicate brewing rift between him and Mr.Zaradari.
The Joint Summit Declaration signed by the leaders of both the Parties has set forth the following as their immediate agenda which would be completed within a period of 30 days from the time of assuming power; (a) resume judiciary to its status quo as it was as on 2nd November,2007, (b) complete the elections of Speaker and Deputy Speaker for the National Assmebly and Punjab Assembly where the posts would go to PPP in the National Assembly and to PMQ in the Punjab Assembly and (c) accommadate PMQ in the Cabinet of Federal Government and PPP in the Cabinet of Punjab Government.