Zardari Take Power and Miss Became People’s Leader.



Asif Ali Zardari is the next president in Pakistan.  He is renowned for being Benazir Bhutto’s husband, and some say, a corrupt politician. He was punished as a corrupt person last Nawaz period.  Now he is the key factor in Pakistani politics. After Benazir’s assassination, he became co-chairman in the Pakistan People’s Party and his party gained Parliamentary elections.  Thus he will decide who leads Pakistan next and everyone knows Gilani is the selected prime minister. Now he became the president in Pakistan and may be he will hold power for a minimum of the next five years.


He is now more mature than before. So maybe he will continue the power and try to do something for Pakistan but my personal assumption is other point. I belive he has scope to become a great leader in Pakistan like Zinna, Julfikar Ali Bhutto & Benazir Bhutto. If he does not take power, he is more powerful than the president & prime minister. But this easy equation he does not understand. When he takes power, he should show some responsibility as a president. People think about him if he succeeds or fails. But if he does not takes power, all kinds of people will respect him.


This could be a great mistake for Zardari. He does not realize it now, but I told him to see Nawaz, Banazir or Musharraf: every person who takes power goes very sorrowfully. So you will not stay in power a long time because maybe you will follow previous Pakistani leaders. So that time is very uncertain. Think about the future, never think only about the present.

Muhammad Azizur Rahman: I’m Muhammad Azizur Rahman Muslim and Bangladeshi. Myself I address as a freelance journalist. I write international issue and also about my country Bangladesh. Especially I write about the conspiracy against Muslim world and the Muslim nation around the world. As a freelance journalist I attempt to complete my duties . I'm not expected that's everyone accept my views but I honor them who visit my site and comments about my post . Note: I never ever fear any power without my creator Almighty mailto :md.azizur07.rahman@gmail.com www.groundreport.com/MuhammadAzizurRahman my.telegraph.co.uk/MuhammadAzizurRahman
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