The implementation of a food distribution scheme for 100,000 people in Zimbawe has stalled after the government suspended CARE international operations for alleged ” political activity”, CARE Works to alleviate poverty and promote community health. With a particular focus on empowering women, and is one of the largest non-governmental organizations, NGOs, Operating in the country. It was ordered to suspend its operations last Month, pending a government investigation into its activities.
However, CARE Maintained that it was ” committed to providing independent, Impartial, apolitical relief and development assistance on the basis of need, to the basis of need, to improve sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable populations, according to the code of conduct for NGOs and to CARE International’s code of ethics”
The suspension of CARE’S operations would Immediately affect about 500,000 Zimbawean beneficaries of projects such as water and sanitation, micro-credit, home-based care for the chronically ill, most of whom are infected with HIV, and support for orphans and vulnerable children.
Kenneth Walker, communications manager, CARE Africa, said that the feeding scheme for 100,000 people had been scheduled for implementation in June 2008, after the government said Zimbabwe’s anticipated maize harvest would be poor, about one million tones below the national requirement. ” i have no idea where the people earmarked for food assistance might get food from now”, Walker said.